Goals For Lipedema Care

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Treatment for lipedema is much like that of lymphedema – it is multifaceted and consists of several therapies, the basis of which is complete decongestive therapy.

The goals for lipedema therapy are:

1. Improving lymphatic flow by manually draining the lymphatic system, with the assistance of a certified lymphedema therapist or reflexology therapist, with the assistance of a lymphatic pump (see below), by compression or bandaging, by dry brushing, by deep breathing exercises, and/or by the use of vibration and/or rebounding;

2. Reducing inflammation through good nutrition and supplements;

3. Assisting and/or improving bodily function and mobility through good nutrition and exercise;

4. Managing pain through good nutrition, supplements (and sometimes medication), and exercise; and

5. Getting emotional support through support groups, counseling, and connecting with other lipedema patients. A great way to meet other patients is by attending the annual conferences sponsored by the Fat Disorders Resource Society.

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