The gut-associated lymphoid tissues in the small intestine, not the large intestine, play a major role in oral prion disease pathogenesis | D. Donaldson, K. Else and N. Mabbott (2015)
Mesentery – a ‘new’ organ PDF | J. Coffey, D. Walsh, K. Byrnes, W. Hohenberger and R. Heald (2020)
The mesentery: Structure, function, and role in disease | J. Coffey and D. O’Leary (2016)
The mesentery, systemic inflammation, and Crohn’s disease | E. Rivera, J. Coffey, D. Walsh and E. Ehrenpreis (2018)
Microanatomy of the intestinal lymphatic system | M. Miller and R. Newberry (2010)
Learn More
Anatomy, Abdomen And Pelvis: Lymphatic Drainage Continuing Education Activity | National Institutes Of Health
Introducing The Mesentery: Your Newest Organ | Healthline
Mesentery | Kenhub
Mesentery | Mayo Clinic
Mesentery: A New Organ? | News-Medical.Net