A calming hug: Design and validation of a tactile aid to ease anxiety | A. Haynes, A. Lywood, E. Crowe, J. Fielding, J. Rossiter and C. Kent (2022)
Clinical studies of biofield therapies: Summary, methodological challenges, and recommendations | S. Jain, R. Hammerschlag, P. Mills, L. Cohen, R. Krieger, C. Vieten and S. Lutgendorf (2015)
A rapid evidence assessment of recent therapeutic touch research | B. Garrett and M. Riou (2021)
Self-soothing touch and being hugged reduce cortisol responses to stress: A randomized controlled trial on stress, physical touch, and social identity | A. Dreisoerner, N. Junker, W. Schlotz, J. Heimrich, S. Bloemeke, B. Ditzen and R. van Dick (2021)