What Is Far-Infrared Therapy?

Far-infrared therapy involves the use of far-infrared radiation (FIR), which consists of invisible waves of energy that penetrate the surface of the skin to gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and promote bodily systems’ functions.

Heat therapy has been in existence for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Finns, the Romans, the ancient Chinese, the American Indians and the Egyptians approximately 5,000 years ago. Since ancient times, people have known that exposure to sunshine can maintain and enhance health. Sun therapy is a form of natural FIR thermal therapy, and far-infrared radiation is the invisible rays of natural sunlight that have the longest wavelength. However, sunlight contains ultraviolet rays which are harmful and can burn the skin. As a result, practitioners began using pure far-infrared heat emitted from healing units; this has similar benefits but without harmful ultraviolet rays.

For decades, scientific evidence has found that heat can maintain and enhance the wellness of the human body. Scientists have researched different ways on how to develop more effective forms of thermal heat therapy that target specific areas and enable deep heat penetration. Traditional forms of heat therapy can be hazardous, uncomfortable, unhygienic, inefficient and ineffective. Traditional saunas create exposure to extremely high temperatures causing heat stress which can have detrimental effects on health, especially for people with heart challenges or needing to sustain blood pressure. Thermal compression and wraps are uncomfortable, heat is easily lost, temperature does not remain constant and maintaining a thermal compression or wrap can be problematic and inconvenient.

Research and development in the 1960’s introduced far-infrared radiation thermal technology, which revolutionized thermal technology to an effective, safe, natural, hygienic and efficient approach to thermal treatment. Today, heat therapy is used internationally by medical professionals for relief of sports injuries, detox, and even in hospital nurseries to warm newborns.

There are potential benefits from existing research of far-infrared radiation (FIR):

  • Improves blood circulation
    FIR expands capillaries, which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygen delivery.

  • Strengthens cardiovascular system
    FIR can strengthen the cardiovascular system by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease. Research by NASA in the early 1980s led to the conclusion that FIR stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight. FIR’s warming properties have also been shown to help improve the ‘health’ of the cells that line our blood vessels, which if left untreated may increase the risk of heart disorders.

  • Improve detoxification
    Far-Infrared is excellent for detoxification and helps lymphatic drainage.[4]
    Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins.[4]
    Far-Infrared thereby promotes the elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: poisons, heavy metals – carcinogenic substances from food processing – lactic acid, free fatty acids and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue – excess sodium associated with blood pressure – and uric acid.[5]

    Far-Infrared Therapy Procedure | Oriental Remedies

    4) Wound healing
    Some recent good quality experimental and clinical scientific studies (2003) from Japan have shown FIR to result in more rapid wound healing which was independent of changes in blood flow and skin temperature.[6]
    FIR helped this healing by stimulating a group of cells called fibroblasts to make more collagen which is a very important part of good wound healing and tissue repair.[6]
    Furthermore, it supports cell growth, DNA synthesis and protein synthesis, all of which are crucial for tissue repair and regeneration. This makes FIR therapy excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems such as acne and skin breakouts. Its anti-oxidative properties also promote anti-aging and lessening/softening of wrinkles due to enhanced collagen production.[6]
    5) Relaxation and pain/aches management
    FIR relaxes auto-neuro muscles which help the body make the most of its intended healing abilities.
    FIR reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms by warming muscle fibers. As a result, rapid reduction of swelling, inflammation, and pain occurs. This allows for relaxation of muscles and relief of back, shoulder, and neck muscle aches.[7]
    FIR soothes tension and stress in both body and mind.[7]
    6) Immunity boosting

    Far-Infrared strengthens and supports the Immune system by supporting increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.

    Several studies have shown far infrared therapy to be a safe application for a variety of injuries and illnesses with few side effects. Try it as a supplement to current treatments. You can use my discount code TRMDFREEGIFT for free shipping and a free gift with any of these infrared products!

    What are far infrared rays?
    The light from the sun that provides light for us to see also becomes energy that living things use to flourish and grow. We absorb the sun’s rays through the skin and eyes, and the sun helps stimulate metabolism.

    Without light, our bodies cannot absorb some nutrients. Fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, and suppressed immune system function may be a result of a lack of sufficient sun exposure.

    Aside from what we can see (visible light), a large portion of the sun’s energy is in the invisible part of the spectrum. Infrared light (or infrared energy) is one of these.

    From Latin, ‘infra’ means ‘below.’ Red is associated with the longest wavelengths and lowest frequency of visible light. Infrared light has an even longer wavelength and lower frequency than red light. It is designated as “below-red.”

    There are subcategories within infrared frequencies: near infrared, mid infrared and far infrared. Far infrared rays are applied in healthcare technology.

    Unlike other rays, far infrared rays do not damage the skin. Far infrared can help us obtain some of the benefits of sunshine, even without regular access to it.

    The band of light warms objects, including the human body, without heating the surrounding air. Far infrared energy can permeate deeply into the body. Its effects reach the skin and muscles, tendons, and ligaments beneath the surface.

    How are far infrared rays used in treatment?
    One common use of infrared technology in hospitals is the infrared heating elements in neonatal beds, used to keep newborn babies warm.

    Some of the ailments that have been shown to improve with the application of far infrared radiation (FIR) therapies include arthritis, back and neck pain, joint stiffness, carpal tunnel syndrome and temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ).

    Far infrared can improve blood circulation in the skin and internal organs, and supports cardiovascular health. Far infrared light has also been associated with an overall improvement in health.

    How do far infrared rays work?
    A 2012 Medical Review explored the use of FIR as a promising treatment for specific medical conditions.

    In the infrared radiation bands, only FIR transfers energy purely in the form of heat which can be perceived by the thermoreceptors (specialized nerve cells that can detect differences in temperature) in human skin as radiant heat. FIR is absorbed by the body and also emitted by the body in the form of black body radiation.

    “Black body” was first used by Gustav Kirchoff in 1860. All matter absorbs electromagnetic radiation to some degree. An object that absorbs all radiation falling on it (at all wavelengths and frequencies) is called a black body, or a perfect absorber. When a black body is at a normal temperature, it emits back this energy, and is called “black body radiation”. It has continuous frequency/intensity, which depends only on the black body’s temperature. The kind of spectrum it generates is called the Planck spectrum.

    FIR wavelength is too long to be detected by the eyes. The body experiences its energy as a mild radiant heat which can penetrate up to 1.5 inches beneath the skin.

    When FIR emitting ceramics or fabrics are used as therapeutic devices, energy from the body is transferred to these ceramic particles, which act as “perfect absorbers”, and maintain their temperature at sufficiently high levels and then emit FIR back to the body. FIR emitting material prevents the loss of FIR that would have escaped through regular clothing.

    What products use far infrared therapies?
    With better technology to deliver pure far infrared radiation (FIR), the benefits from its effects have widened. Some of the far infrared products that are available to treat injuries or improve overall health include:

    These specialized saunas use light to create heat. Traditional saunas use heat to warm the air, which warms your body. Infrared saunas heat your body directly without warming the air around you. An infrared sauna causes reactions similar to those elicited by moderate exercises, such as vigorous sweating and increased heart rate, but at lower temperatures than a traditional sauna, which makes it accessible to people who can’t tolerate the heat. Some studies have looked at using infrared saunas for chronic health problems found some benefit. But, more extensive studies are needed. No adverse effects have been reported.

    Fibers impregnated with FIR emitting ceramic nanoparticles and woven into fabrics, are being used as garments and wraps to generate FIR radiation.

    Far infrared blankets don’t feel very warm to the touch but will warm your body from the inside out, by augmenting your own body’s production of far infrared energy. It can provide health benefits similar to those of far infrared saunas or other infrared therapies while being more compact and portable. The blanket can be used in bed, on the floor, or in a chair. It is an affordable option for those who do not have the room to install a full infrared sauna. Blankets and mats containing FIR discs have been reported to improve quality of sleep.

    Under Armour created a line of sleepwear and bedding to help athletes like Tom Brady recover faster and more efficiently. The products have a bioceramic pattern printed on the fabric to absorb infrared wavelengths emitted by the body while sending far infrared energy back to it.

    Knee, ankle, wrist, and elbow wraps can also be enhanced by far infrared technology. FIR adds an extra healing component to the support offered by a joint brace or compression sleeve.

    FIR applications
    Single FIR discs were applied to the breasts of women who encountered difficulty in producing breast milk during lactation.

    Gloves have been made out of FIR emitting fabrics that can be used to treat arthritis of the hands and Raynaud’s syndrome.

    Belts made out of these fabrics have been used for weight reduction. One study investigated whether the use of a garment made with synthetic fibers embedded with powdered ceramic led to a decrease in body measurements. The data showed a reduction in body measurements, and these changes might promote improved general health. Another study suggests that a far infrared-emitting belt might be used as an effective and safe non-pharmacologic treatment option for women with menstrual cramps, with a prolonged effect after treatment.

    Garments made out of bioceramic-coated neoprene in conjunction with a topical cream to treat cellulite of the legs were studied. The shorts were worn overnight to enhance penetration of the topical agents. The combination of the FIR garments and the active topical agent were found to be effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite with no adverse effects.

    Socks with far material have shown effectiveness in treating chronic foot pain resulting from diabetic neuropathy or other disorders.

    Numerous studies are underway to assess the effectiveness of FIR therapy to treat a myriad of health issues including cancer, uterine fibroids, renal disease, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, bipolar disorder, Huntington’s disease, dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke rehabilitation and more.

    Are there dangers or side effects to far infrared rays?
    There have been no severe side effects reported with the use of far infrared energy. It’s generally safe and effective. But, if you’re pregnant or suffering from an acute injury or illness, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before incorporating a far infrared therapy.

    The Bottom Line
    Despite all these different medical applications of FIR, the exact mechanisms of the effects of FIR irradiation are still poorly understood.

    What we know so far is that the scientifically proven as well as anecdotal health benefits of far infrared light far outweigh any potential drawbacks. While infrared technology is not a “magic bullet,” when properly used, it can be effective.

    If it can be proven that non-heating FIR has real and significant biological effects, then the possible future applications are wide-ranging.

    • FIR is still very new and more evidence is needed

    • Long-term studies are required to assess the effectiveness

    • FIR seems to be safe and helpful for some people and conditions

    • Try FIR as an adjunct to current medical treatments



    Effects of far-infrared sauna bathing on recovery from strength and endurance training sessions in men | A. Mero, J. Tornberg, M. Mantykoski and R. Puurtinen (2015)

    Efficacy and safety of far infrared radiation in lymphedema treatment: clinical evaluation and laboratory analysis (Abstract) | K. Li, Z. Zhang, N. Liu, S. Feng, Y. Tong, J. Zhang … and Y. Zhang (2017)

    Far infrared radiation (FIR): Its biological effects and medical applications | F. Vatansever and M. Hamblin (2012)

    Far infrared ray (FIR) therapy: An effective and oncological safe treatment modality for breast cancer related lymphedema | K. Li, L. Xia, N. Liu, F. Nicoli, J. Constantinides, C. D’Ambrosia … and Y. Zhang (2017)

    Far-infrared therapy for cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other chronic health problems: A systematic review | S. Shui, X. Wang, J. Chiang, and L. Zheng (2015)

    The healing power of infrared saunas | J. Phillips (2005)

    The influence of cardiovascular system caused by warming effect of far-infrared radiation | H. Lee, S. Kang, C. Lee, Y. Jang, S. Kim and M. Lee (2003)

    An overview of far-infrared therapy for healthy aging and detox | H. Staninger (2004)

    Potential mechanisms for the effects of far-infrared on the cardiovascular system – A review | R. Shemilt, H. Bagabir, C. Lang and F. Khan (2018)

    Promotive effects of far-infrared ray on full-thickness skin wound healing in rats (Abstract) | H. Toyokawa, Y. Matsui, J. Uhara, H. Tsuchiya, S. Teshima, H. Nakanishi … and Y. Kamiyama (2003)

    Warming effect of blankets with high far-infrared emissivity on skin microcirculation in type 2 diabetic patients | J. Bau, C. Yang, B. Huang, Y. Lin and M. Wu (2020)