What Is Lymphedema?

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Lymphedema (also known as lymphoedema) is a chronic condition that causes swelling in tissues in the body and usually affects the arm or leg, although it can develop in any part of the body. It is due to a failure in the lymphatic system where normal lymph drainage cannot occur. Lymphedema can be classified as primary or secondary.

Primary lymphedema is a genetic condition affecting the development of the lymphatic system and can develop at any age. Transport capacity is reduced as the result of a congenital malformation in the lymphatic system. Primary lymphedema may be present at birth but more often develops later in life, with or without obvious cause.

Secondary lymphedema is more common and is caused by damage to the lymphatic system or lymph nodes or other issues which affect the drainage of lymph fluid. It can be as a result of injury, infection, inflammation of the limb, lack of limb movement, radiation, or surgical interventions involving the lymphatic system.

Lymph node dissections, radiation therapy, or incisions that disrupt the natural pathways of the lymphatic system affect the ability of the lymphatics to drain lymphatic loads out of the affected extremity. Secondary lymphedema may arise immediately after surgery or years later.

LINK: Lymphedema Resources

Learn More

How To Perform Lymphatic Drainage Massage | Healthline
Introduction To Lymphedema VIDEO | Brooks Rehabilitation
Lymphatic Drainage Massage | Cleveland Clinic
Lymphedema Overview | Lipedema.com
Traditional Massage Therapy In The Treatment And Management Of Lymphedema | Massage Today
What Is Lymph Drainage Massage? | Web MD
What Is Lymphedema? | Jobst LymphCare

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