Whole Body Vibration

The effects of whole-body vibration training in aging adults: A systematic review
H. Merriman and K. Jackson (2009)

There are many contraindications to whole-body vibration:

acute limb swelling
acute rheumatoid arthritis
acute soft tissue injury
acute hernia
acute thrombosis
aortic aneurysm
artificial heart valve
bladder or bowel incontinence
blood clotting disorder
brain or spinal cord stimulators
corneal/cochlear implants
eye disease
fresh wound
high blood pressure
hip, knee, joint implants
impaired sensation or cognition
impaired skin integrity
inner ear trouble/dizziness
intrauterine devices
joint inflammation
kidney or bladder stones
metal implants (screws, plates, nails, pins or wires)
neurological epilepsy
organ failure
osteoporosis with vertebral fracture
peripheral neuropathy
peripheral vascular disease
recent fracture (especially among those with severe osteoporosis)
recent heart attack
recent infection
recent surgery
recent trauma
retinal detachment
serious cardiovascular disease
severe diabetic neuropathy
tumors or metastases
uncontrolled hypertension
untreated orthostatic hypotension
venous thrombosis
vertebral herniation or stress fracture

What Is Vibratory Urticaria?